“Professional Fengshui Course” conducted and lectured by Master Wong, the famous and renowned Fengshui master and Numerologist in Malaysia. By using his wide experience and solid educational content he provides a platform of learning, sharing the knowledge of Fengshui and numerology to all his students. Students who completed the courses may join DaShiTang, an association of the Malaysia Yijing Association for lifelong learning and practice.
After thousands of year evolution, I-Ching divination has transformed into a model to analyze and explain the changes of all things. By investigating on text content and images of I -Ching, students are expected to understand the time-space relationship and the evolution of changes.
After thousands of year evolution, I-Ching divination has transformed into a model to analyze and explain the changes of all things. By investigating on text content and images of I -Ching, students are expected to understand the time-space relationship and the evolution of changes.
Understand our own Bazi Destiny, we can read our strength and weakness to choose the correct path. With our Master guide, together with the hardwork required to make up the insufficiency and use the positive way and attitude to face all the challenges.
Understand our own Bazi Destiny, we can read our strength and weakness to choose the correct path. With our Master guide, together with the hardwork required to make up the insufficiency and use the positive way and attitude to face all the challenges.
Purple Star Astrology is a Chinese astrology system that predicts a person’s entire personality and also can predict the relationship a person will have when it comes to their choice of a profession or the point to the most ideal profession. How one deals with the issue of money,the health of the body and relationship to friends, husband or wife and children is also part of the star sign analysis.
Purple Star Astrology is a Chinese astrology system that predicts a person’s entire personality and also can predict the relationship a person will have when it comes to their choice of a profession or the point to the most ideal profession. How one deals with the issue of money,the health of the body and relationship to friends, husband or wife and children is also part of the star sign analysis.