黄十林 Master Wong

简介 / Biography

黄十林 Master Wong

• 学历:台湾国立政治大学经济学士
• 简历:
十林风水命理学院院长、马来西亚易经风水总会总会长、富贵集团首席风水顾问、新加坡易经研究会学术顾问、实践家御用风水顾问、柬埔寨金界(NagaWorld)娱乐城风水顾问、柬埔寨龙岩娱乐赌城风水顾问、柬埔寨Royal Hill Resort 风水顾问、德教会紫慈阁华人义山风水顾问、马西玄天上帝古庙风水顾问、柔佛地南古庙风水顾问、避兰东万福庙风水顾问、许多挂牌公司、知名品牌连锁企业、无数政商名流指定风水师。

• 特别风水个案经历:
赵明福开棺验尸重新下葬、已故歌星李逸择日迁葬、国宝级影星黎明点地种生基、已故马来西亚相声之父姚新光风水迁葬、 粤语流行曲歌手兼演员郑锦昌生基设计、世界首创龙龟生基园(吉隆坡、新山、槟城)、生基风水普及化




Master Wong graduated from the Taiwan National Chengchi University (NCCU) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics.  He started learning Feng Shui & numerology at the age of 16 and was determined to embrace Feng Shui and numerology as his lifelong career when he was 28.  Master Wong masters vast knowledge in various factions of the Feng Shui. He is specialized in commercial and residence Feng Shui. He is particularly good in date picking, physiognomy, palm reading, BaZi naming, BaZi destiny, etc.

He is also the advisor and consultant for many local temples, publicly listed and renowned housing development companies. The experienced Master Wong is also the chief consultant for the internationally Cambodia’s renowned NagaWorld Casino. Master Wong is actively involved in advocating the Feng Shui knowledge and embracing Feng Shui as part of living. He also initiates classes to teach Feng Shui concepts and knowledge. He is actively promoting practical and realistic ancient wisdom of Feng Shui, and often addressed as the “Pushing Hands” of the local Feng SHui education and is known as The Godfather of Feng Shui.”
